Holzwerker & Content Creator

Tiny Basement Workshop


In my just 12qm small workshop I tackle all kinds of creative projects: DIY decor, small furniture, workshop equipment or just gifts for friends ands family.

If you‘re interested, you can follow me along on my Instagram account and might as well get inspired.

Your product on YouTube

You’re selling a product or tool for woodworking or one that is CNC-related and you want it to be tested or presented in a video on YouTube?

Just get in contact with me via my contact form or write me a message over on Instagram.

Realizing a project on the CNC

#thinkitmakeit hits it dead on center.

Realizing a project on the CNC can be quicker, more precise and especially repeatable!

There are simply no boundaries for your creativity and imagination.

If you‘re searching for useful CAD-files for your everyday CNC-work – especially as a beginner – you‘ll find some great files in my free downloads.

Also I‘m selling CAD-files for decor, toys or gifts in my online-shop! Feel free to have a look.

You want to collaborate on a project with me?

Just use the contact form to get in touch with me and tell me your ideas and plans for whatever kind of project.
